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  • Prints from TAKEO Poster Collection appear in Japanese translation of Mein Leben: Spielerischer Ernst und ernsthaftes Spiel

Prints of actual posters from the TAKEO Poster Collection are included in the BNN, Inc. publication of
a Japanese translation of Mein Leben: Spielerischer Ernst und ernsthaftes Spiel,
the autobiography of leading Swiss graphic designer, Josef Müller-Brockmann (1914-1996).
The TAKEO Poster Collection began in 1997, when TAKEO acquired the Reinhold-Brown Gallery New York Poster Collection
as part of its centennial project. The Collection is entrusted to Tama Art University,
where TAKEO conducts joint research with the university’s Department of Graphic Design.
Research has been conducted on the collection since 1998.
The collection includes many of Josef Müller-Brockmann’s posters,
which were featured in THE TAKEO POSTER COLLECTION Best Selection 10 exhibition (2016-2017).]
As a version of Müller-Brockmann’s autobiography specially compiled for Japan,
the book covers a comprehensive range of material, including prints from the TAKEO Poster Collection,
and a bibliographical commentary by Ichiro Saga, Associate Professor at Tama Art University,
who is in charge of the joint research. It provides an excellent opportunity for Japanese readers to learn about
Josef Müller-Brockmann and grid systems.

Book: Mein Leben: Spielerischer Ernst und ernsthaftes Spiel /  Commentary: Grid Systems as Aesthetics
Author: Josef Müller-Brockmann
Translation supervisor / Bibliographer: Ichiro Saga
List price: 3,200 yen + tax
Format: A5 variant/264 pages 
- For more about this book in Japanese, see the description on BNN, Inc.’s website.

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