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Dates: November 6th, 2023 (Mon.) - November 22nd, 2023 (Wed.)
Open hours: 11: 00 - 18: 00
Except: Saturdays, Sundays, official holidays
This event looks back on what the exhibition venue looked like using panel exhibits, and also displays a full set of the marketing materials for the event. A corner has also been created where visitors can take home print process samples of popular paper passed out at “FINE PAPERS.” Visitors can also take their time looking through the exhibition catalog, which is a reconfiguration and repackaging of the content presented at “PACKAGING—Function and Laughter,” with high-definition photos and commentary.
Marketing materials
The event presents a full set of marketing materials for announcements, including printed matter such as fliers, posters, and direct mail, as well as an invitation to a private viewing that made use of the work “A clump of paper” by participating creator Motosuke Mandai, combined with Fine Flute.
Examples of TAKEO’s diverse range of fine papers are on display here, with a focus on new and redesigned products that have gone on sale since 2019, sorted into different categories based on factors like their use in packaging, environmental performance, and support for digital printing. As you move along, take each print process sample in hand, and feel it. Finally, put them into the cover sheet, and secure them with a rubber band to complete the sample booklet. Each visitor can take home one booklet (as long as supplies last).
Exhibition books
Title: “PACKAGING—Function and Laughter” (Bijutsu Shuppan-sha)
Price: 4,400 yen (incl. tax)
Specifications: B5 variant format, 320 pages, Swiss binding (sebiraki binding)
Production: TAKEO Co., Ltd.
Curation and art direction: Kenya Hara + Hara Design Institute, Nippon Design Center
Printed by: SunM Color Co., Ltd.
Bookbinding: Shinohara Shiko, Ltd.

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