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  • [Aoyama MIHONCHO] Showcase
    “Introducing TAKEO DESK DIARY 2023”

This year’s TAKEO DESK DIARY is featured in Aoyama MIHONCHO's showcase.

Aoyama MIHONCHO Showcase “Introducing TAKEO DESK DIARY 2023” 
January 5th (Mon.) – January 27st (Fri.)
Open hours: 10:00-18:00 (January 5th  10:00-17:00)
Except: Saturdays, Sundays, and official holidays

TAKEO DESK DIARY, published annually by TAKEO for over half a century,
is made with meticulous care given to paper, design, and bookmaking.
The 2023 edition is TAKEO’s 65th desk diary.

TAKEO DESK DIARY 2023, entitled Enfolding—Connecting—Becoming Enfolded,
” takes “enfolding” in a broad sense as its theme. 
Enfolding is one of the principal functions of paper.
Taking a new look at how paper actually accomplishes this in our everyday world reveals
a multitude of ways in which we enfold things, connect things,
or become enfolded, as we go about our lives. 
Together with its beautiful visuals, this diary is an expression of the relationships
involved in enfolding as it connects us with other individuals, society, and nature.
Contemplating this delightful diary is one of the pleasures of a visit to Aoyama
MIHONCHO in the new year.

About TAKEO DESK DIARY (Only available in Japanese)
Venue / Contact info:
Place Aoyama Bldg. 1F,
4-2-5 Shibuya, Tokyo map
Tel. 03-3409-8931

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